- Fixed a bug where 0 duration values where not shown in the feed
- Fixed a bug that leads to a massive duration drop
- Fixed a bug where the holder and wearer rating was not shown if the session is offered
- Fixed a localization bug where strings where not loaded properly
- Fixed a bug where risk voting leads to wrong duration changes
- Fixed a bug where session from holders where the holder has set up the combination can not be started
- Fixed a bug where "Show duration left with penalty" options gives only zeros back
- Wearers can now change their voting duration after the session has been started (like in v1)
- New button on the home screen which leads directly to the active session page
- The pillory can now be activated by the wearer after the session has been started
- New friend links and requirement links will be shorter
- Implemented multi selection in messages as well as "mark as read", "mark as unread" and "delete all" functionality
- Added a date to the changelog button which contains the last changelog update